Rebirth... a Second beginning

The carnage of emotions, the prolonging guilt Of growing evils and unnecessary drama. The avenging arm-fold of the old-SELF! Waters of the dead sea eats up to your chin now... The sodom of your old empty soul, depraving oneself off the innocence we once had-- Just a Fantasy now? A fairy tale that we have no memory of. Do people actually remember their innocence? I say none. I don't believe so. Innocence is ignorance of reality. The everlasting urge for innocence is useless, Survival is achieved when innocence is relieved from our minds and soul. Reality is the abandonment of idealism. Now... instead of wasting your time wanting what you don't need, Lets take a minute to reprocess... Innocence is the antagonist of rationality, it is vulnerability that will drown you in this concrete world. It is a risk that will guarantee you grief and shakable existence. a murderous tool that'l...