Death: A Review

Gruesome, horrifying!
Is it the fear of loss
the fear of transcendence?
Is it really as terrifying as people say it to be?
Pondering on this,
I come to wonder...
Death doesn't really mean an end.
Nor is it a birth!!
 It is a state of absolution,
an opportunity to disappear into 
the background of space.
A chance to forget the torment of life,
the helplessness of bounded freedom.
... But...
Just as we want to be seen,
                                                              we want to be unseen.
                                             We want to live, just as we all secretly want to die
 So is death really supposedly negative?
Death consumes the physical,
lets go of the abstract.
It is a remarkable act of nature...
Nature binds the physical and the abstract at birth!!
but eventually rips its creation to pieces,
 dissecting the complexities 
and discards the useless waste.
  The true miracle of pure consumption!
An inexplicable way of how
 the universe dictates;
it paints the picture
 with a hole in the middle..
upholding the mystery and suspense! 

this is what I would call-
" The Perfect Art"



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